2006: the fast food pit

2006 was also, for me,  the year of the Fast Food Pit, a place at the Sherbrooke Carrefour de l’Estrie (a big mall) where you can stuff yourself with all kind of tasty (and, at lenth, deadly) food: pizzas, French (Liberty?) fries, hamburger, etc. And, of course, a lot A LOT of coffee…


In the long Quebec winter, eating there (or just hanging around, with the alibi of a coffee cup before you) it’s distracting from the awful supposition that spring will never never come again…


These are some of the drawings I did there, in 2006… you can study there a large variety of people, young and especially old (more the hanging aroung types) and, altruist or misanthrope, there is a lot to see…


5 responses to “2006: the fast food pit

  1. Hopefully people there are doing more hanging around than eating the food, based on your description! But fast food is one of the great magnets in our society that brings all types together. Must be a great venue for sketching. Just stick with the coffee, if you can.

  2. It is a great venue for sketching, indeed, bob! I hope I’ll have some more time to do it again… No problem for me sticking with coffee (or even without really drinking it…) I’ve become a mostly vegetarian since 5-6 months and I don’t think I’ll revisit fast food as nurishments…

  3. ovidiu stanomir

    Vaz’ ca 2006 a fost un an fast (nu doar “Fast Food Pit”) pt. tine. Felicitari !

    Si mai vaz’ ca te apropii de 40.000 de accesari pe bloc. Esti bun de cinste !

    Nu-ti fac nici o urare de sarbatori, ci am inceput sa caut tzuica sau bonuri de benzina… (ha, ha, hi, ha, hi!) ca si eu sunt in “criza de penurie” financiara (gluma asta cre’ ca numai noi 2 o pricepem, ceea ce, in definitiv, nu-i nici un bai).

  4. Bravos ! ai trecut de 40.000 de accesari.

    Cu prima ocazie voi tine un toast (in compania primului dintre amicii comuni pe care-l voi intalni si cu care voi merge “la un pahar de vorba”) in onoarea acestui eveniment;

  5. Intre-adevar. Danu, felicitari mele ca ai trecut de 40.000 de accesari. Bravo!

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